The Holy Grail to design could be considered Divine Proportion.
Divine proportion is “a ratio that is found throughout the natural world in the proportion of various things to one another”. The ratio for Divine Proportion is approximately: 1:1.618. It is representational to the ‘golden rectangle’. The golden rectangle is ‘the belief that this proportion is organic, universal, harmonic, and aesthetically pleasing.’ “One of the key components in the vehicle of communication is composition and in design schooling, it is something that is taught as something you should feel rather than create logically.” Using Divine Proportion can help you achieve this. Designs should have a balance and proportion as we discussed, and using the divine proportion helps you maintain that. As a designer, we usually use our own intuition and discretion when completing the layout of our design work. The ratio 5:3 is a general rule of thumb for simple layouts. ("Applying Divine Proportion To Your Web Designs.")
The rule of thirds is another part of Divine proportion. The rule of thirds can be applied to just about every medium of art. It is used quite often in drawing to keep proportions. The rule of thirds is said to be an easier understood form of divine proportions. The general rule is applied by placing a grid of nine equal squares by two vertical and two horizontal lines. Using the intersecting points of the lines is a way to reference where the most important parts of your design should be located. This can also help us locate where the eye will travel to first on the design. ("Applying Divine Proportion To Your Web Designs.")
Divine Proportion